2 Weeks
This project was done as part of the Experience Design module in the 4th semester of M.Des. The module was conducted in collaboration between the students of Lifestyle Accessory Design and Transportation & Automobile Design. The aim of this course was to understand the nuances of an experience and then design a unique experience for a specific audience.
What is Experience Design?
Experience influences memory. Memory guides future action.
Experience is a practice focused on humane outcomes in particular to the level of engagement and satisfaction gained according to the relevance of the experience in the context of human needs. Experience is the outcome of the engagement of human, physically or mentally. Experience influences the future actions and reactions.
Daniel Kahneman says that we have two selves. The Experiencing Self is the one which lives our life, which sees, hears and does. The Remembering Self is the one which occasionally takes stock of our experiences and draws conclusions. Experience design offers the opportunity to influence both of these aspects of ourselves.
The students were asked to undertake a first-hand experience to a place and then deconstruct their experience.
The place visited by our team of 4 was Kankaria Lake. The trip to experience the hot-air balloon ride turned into a day filled with surprises. The space, people and objects change how we perceive a place & how it affects the experience.
The emotional journeys of each individual and their expectations were described and mapped to decode the experience.
Experience Seismograph
The triggers for each individual's experience were mapped and then a mirco segregation of triggers was done.
An Emotion Map and a Journey Map were created for capturing the emotions and experiences at key instances during the entire visit.
The emotion at every stage of the journey was then visually represented in an Experience Seismograph to understand the essence of an "experience".

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
"It is not enough to insist upon the necessity of experience. Everything depends on the quality of the experience."
- John Dewey

Design Brief
Design a unique experience in a moving space using the design philosophy and language based on the hypothetical merger of an automotive brand with a non- automotive brand. Here the philosophy of TESLA & MUJI were understood and the unique attributes of these driving brands were hypothesised to create a scenario of the future.
The hypothetical merger of the two brands Tesla & MUJI, resulted in identifying the vision of this collaboration. The unique values which come together are:
No-nonsense approach to deliver experiences
Service through functional and robust deliverables
Making shared communities
Clean, invoking and energising
An opportunity in the area of personal space for relaxation was delved deeper to design a space, and experience.

No experience lives or dies to itself.
Experience is dependent on Sleep. Lack of SLEEP leads to the brain not being able to make new memories. All the experiences depend upon this need.
The proposed space will facilitate people to Reboot and Recharge themselves.

Describe your image

No experience lives or dies to itself.
Experience is dependent on Sleep. Lack of SLEEP leads to the brain not being able to make new memories. All the experiences depend upon this need.
The proposed space will facilitate people to Reboot and Recharge themselves.
Introducing Pause
For something we spend nearly one-third of our lives doing, it’s surprisingly easy to overlook the importance of sleep. The waking world takes inevitable precedence over the sleeping one—with our focus monopolised by work, family and the hustle and bustle of the daily grind. But don’t forget that sleep makes these very experiences possible, triggering everything from brain activity that reinforces learning to the release of hormones essential to keeping us fit and healthy.
Introducing the Sleep pod, PAUSE, your personal experiential sleep space to provide the personalised therapeutic sleep experience.

Different motions were explored for the pod. space designed. The motion that was finalised was a light rocking motion which would enhance the relaxation experience just like a cradle.

After multiple iterations of the form, one was finalised which best lends itself to the motion and function. A 3D render of the sleep pod was then created. The pod provides a therapeutic experience to reboot at anytime of the day.