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IXDD 2019

Interaction Design Day Conference

World Interaction Design Day is an annual event where the design fraternity comes together as a united global community to show how interaction design improves the human condition. 24 September is celebrated as the World Interaction Design Day globally, with the aim to have a positive, long-lasting impact by facilitating activities that support dialogue and outcomes.

ValueLabs hosted the IxDD 2019 Hyderabad chapter, in partnership with Adobe and IxDA.

About the Theme

The theme for 2019 was 'Trust and Responsibility'

In the unpredictable digital world, as technology evolves continuously, it not only presents us with newer ways of interactions but also brings us new and unique challenges. These challenges are unforeseen and often transgress the sanctity of our lives. In such tumultuous, and disruptive times, how might we design for Trust and Responsibility?

A concept video was created for revealing the theme and promoting the event.

Planning & Overview

In order to ensure a smooth and great journey of curating such an event, we at UXG, made sure that no stone was unturned. We created a blueprint to map the journey of each of the different type of personas who would be part of the event. The journey was mapped across three major stages - pre, during and post event We created a checklist of action items and distributed the tasks to every team member. The checklist and status of the tasks were reviewed regularly on a daily basis. This ensured that the blockers, if any, were addressed in a timely manner and also ensured that the team is aware of where exactly they are in the whole process. Through the process, every team member was enthusiastic and sincere to the timelines specified, which helped in successfully pulling off such an event!


Identity for IXDD '19 Hyderabad

A brand new identity was forged to communicate the message effectively. A dedicated website was created for the event with all event updates, registration forms and details of the event.

Apart from the online presence, we also created limited edition merchandises for IxDD event, which included a tote bag, pencils, notebooks, postcards, badges. The bag with the merchandise was given to all the Speakers, Panelists and each attendee of the Conference.

IXDD Events

The IXDD '19 celebrations consisted of a Student Design Challenge a week prior to the Conference and the Conference on 24 Sept 2019.


"DESIGNATHON" was a 24-hour compelling challenge to collaborate and compete with the best design students across the globe, especially those who are passionate about creating meaningful interactions for responding to evolving needs in our community. It was a fun packed and exciting weekend for design students as they had to dive deep into realm of trust and responsibility and design for impact.

Students had participated in teams to respond to the below mentioned problem statement.


With the current uncertain geo-political condition globally, there are many social and cultural challenges. Emerging technologies show us a promising future but then again are strained with questions of privacy and adoptability.

The teams are required to come up with ideas, services and interactions which would keep the user needs at the centre, and show how your solution will be benefitting them, and builds trust in what you design.

The theme selected should reflect where the collective empathy lies in a given social context.

The final jury round was held at ValueLabs head office in Hyderabad, where the finalists had a chance to showcase their solutions to the jury panel, and to show how they can instil trust and responsibility in design sector.

The Conference consisted of talks by prominent designers from various fields in the industry, a panel discussion and felicitation of the Designathon winners.

The event began with a note to the overall idea of trust and responsibility by our key speakers. While the talks mostly focused on the theme of IxDA that year, we also got to a lot of diverse thought processes at the same time. The panel discussion revolved around how trust and responsibility in design can shape a better tomorrow.

Post the event, we did hold on to the important moments, by mailing the delegates the key takeaways from each talk and the panel discussion. This helped them to retain what the event meant to deliver on the same day.

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